
Development environment

VM setup

The plugins are mostly developed for Debian / Ubuntu / Ubuntu Server distributions and the easiest way of setting up a development and testing environment is to setup a brand new virtual machine using the named distributions.

On Windows, WSL is not recommended due to some issues with systemd being used in some plugins so the best solution is also to create a new virtual machine.

As for the virtualization software, VirtualBox (opens in a new tab) is recommended but any software which the user is familiar with should be a good solution.

Once the virtual machine is setup and working, it is necessarry to download some dependencies for sysrepo and libyang.

Libraries and dependencies

sysrepo-dev-env (opens in a new tab) is a repository containing a set of scripts which can be used to quickly setup sysrepo development environment once the virtual machine is set up.

Scripts should take care of dependencies for libyang and sysrepo and also compile/install both libraries based on libyang1 and libyang2 versions. Version 1 of the libyang library is currently being used only for integration testing because python bindings for libyang do not support version 2. For plugin development, only the libyang2/ created folder is necessarry.

Follow the instructions from the README.md document and once finished you should have a complete sysrepo plugin development environment setup on your machine. As already mentioned, only libyang2/ created folder is being used for C plugin development.